"Three Strikes and You're Out"
This is the campaign News Corporation has placed against Cablevision. NewsCorp owns many channels such as Fox Broadcasting, My9, FX, HGTV, National Geographic, and Food Network.
Cablevision is about to loose a few News Corp Channels. The channels that are subject to be lost in this agreement are Fox Broadcasting and My9.
Not only is Fox Broadcasting and Cablevision publicly disputing this which could be seen as irresponsible for major media corporations to be doing but they are advertising for the public to go against their opponent. This is known as attack advertising. Attack Advertising is a very sensitive advertising technique because the public may not be favorable to an organization bashing another organization. Usually attack advertising is seen within Politics, and is usually accepted in that advertising realm.
Now we see Attack Advertising with NewsCorp and Cablevision.
News Corp want you to call up Cablevision and complain for those channels. Cablevision wants you to call up NewsCorp and tell them to set fair prices.
Its a Loose-Loose situation for the consumer. Either we will pay more and get the channels, or not receive the channels at all.
Basically, you are only safe if you have DirecTV or Verizon (like me)
Is this fair for Companies to publicly attack each other?
We will see what happens tonight...