Friday, April 13, 2012

Virtual to Physical Danger.

OK so since when does a murder case become global?
Especially when the victim and the accused are both local "joes".

What about the Greenland Police Chief Michael Maloney of New Hampshire that was shot in killed today in a drug bust?
Or the two coast guard member's who were killed in a shooting in an Alaskan station. 
For the New Yorker's, where are the protests for the mother who was beat to death by her son (a Fordham student)?

I haven't seen any hashtags for any of those stories.
$10,000 Bounty for Zimmerman from Black Panther Party

Social Media has turned localized incidents into global issues. Why has this Martin and Zimmerman case gained the attention of social media-lites all over the country? Many say it is a race issue. Some say it is a gun control issue. The hype also snowballed after our president declared that his son would look like Trayvon Martin. 

The passion all of the internet users suddenly have for justice is astounding. But, it concerns me when  "political groups" place a bounty on Zimmerman's capture, dead or alive. They are calling for justice in the arrest of George Zimmerman, but how is it justice to savagely place a bounty on him?

How about when Spike Lee tried to tweet George Zimmerman's address, but instead led an angry mob to an old couple's home. Lee apologized "for retweeting wrong address for Zimmerman."

He shouldn't have tweeted any address in the first case! If he retweeted the right address he would of been satisfied and wouldn't have apologized!

Doesn't seem very justified to me, for all these civilians taking justice into their own violent hands.

I shouldn't be adding to the clutter and chatter about this case on the internet but it is truly appauling how people (especially celebrities) have been using social media to spread their violent ideas that catch on like wildfire. 


  1. LivinLargeinDaHoodApril 26, 2012 at 7:01 PM

    I must agree with most of what you say. We also must remember that we are still innocent till proven guilty in this country. I see it all the time in the media now when someone ( especially a celebrity) is accused of something, the media rushes to ask them to prove their innocence. I do not know how anyone can judge the Martin case based on the little information we know about what happened. I believe that in time cooler heads will prevail and that justice will be served, but not by lynch mob mentality.

  2. Yes let's leave the law in the hands of the experts not the mobs.
